Musical Instruments
Listen to a variety of different types of music from different eras of time and from different countries. Keep notes so that you can compare the music as you take this journey through music.
Even back in the prehistoric times people had music. It was very simple and had many uses. Early instruments were made from materials readily availabe in nature. Can you think of any instruments you could make that might have been used by prehistoric people?
Don't harps look a lot like bows? At first harps were made from bows by adding strings.
Pythagoras, a famous Greek scientist, related the pitch of a note to the length of the string.
Find other instrument families that started with early mankind. Write about them and send your writing to me. You might find your article on my blog or website. Wouldn't that be fun to see your name in print?
Have a musical day!
"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine
Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two
The Frog Prince - NEW
CDs include:
Wedding Bells