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An expert in teaching creative children and helping parents understand their creative child, Catherine coaches parents, and works with students of all ages, teaching music and the piano, along with several other instruments. Creative people see the world and every aspect of the world differently from other people. As children we don't know we are doing that. Unfortunately parents think that their child is just being difficult. It wasn't until Catherine was in her 40s that she realized she WAS creative and that that was why she never really 'fit' in with what everyone else was saying or thinking or feeling. Since then she has been taking her experiences and helping others to understand what they are going through.

Showing posts with label school. toddlers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. toddlers. Show all posts

Monday, February 7, 2011

Preschoolers, Toddlers, and Babies

Let's be rag dolls and wooden soldiers today.

To the song below, have your child or children move around like floppy rag dolls. This is a very relaxed movement.

(click here for the floppy rag doll song)

Next have your child or children move around like stiff wooden soldiers to the song below. This is a tense movement. Remind them to walk straight and tall.

(click here for the stiff wooden soldiers song)

These musical exercises teach the children about contrast in movements.

If you have any questions about teaching music or about learning music please email me at:

Have a Musical Day!!! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs included:
Impressions Volume One, Two, and Three
The Frog Prince
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Musical Staff

The staff is made up of five lines and four spaces. The notes are written on the lines and spaces. The pitches are named, A, B, C, D, E, F, G.

A phrase is a complete musical thought. Just like a sentence is a complete spoken thought.

Think of someone with a one-syllable name. Say their name four time as you clap quarter notes.
Can you find the quarter notes in the song below?
(Click here for the sheet music)

If you have any questions about teaching music or about learning music please email me at:

Have a Musical Day!!! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs included:
Impressions Volume One, Two, and Three
The Frog Prince
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Key of C Major

The key of C Major has a happy sound. All major keys are happy in sound. C Major has no sharps or flats in its key signature. C is the root. The C chord is the most important chord in the Key of C Major. Write out the musical notes from C to C: C D E F G A B C. That is the C Major Scale. To play it on the piano with your right hand you would start with your thumb which is called the first finger, D would get your pointer finger, E would get your third (middle) finger, then you would put your thumb under the third finger and F would get your thumb, followed by your second finger on G, third finger on A, fourth finger (ring finger) on B, and your fifth (pinky) finger on high C.

The next more important chord in the Key of C Major is the G chord. That is because it is 5 notes above the root note. If you know the C and G chords only, you can play over 500 songs! A song usually starts on the root and ends on the root.

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

Have A Musical Day!!! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One, Two, and Three

The Frog Prince
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, November 1, 2010

Preschoolers, Toddlers, and Babies

Did you walk that steady beat last month? If not, go back and walk to the music that I have posted there for you. That beat that you are walking is the quarter note. It looks like this:
Practice drawing the quarter note and coloring it in.

Here is an art project for you to do. On a plain white piece of paper trace around your hand. If you hold your hand with your thumb out and fingers seperated it looks like a turkey. *smiles* Number your fingers. Your thumb is number one, pointer is number two, tall man is number three, ring man is number four, and pinky is number five. This is the fingering that you use when you play the piano. *smiles* After you have numbered the fingers on the page, color your turkey.

If you have a question about music that you would like to ask me, please email me at

Have a Musical Day!!! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One, Two, and Three

The Frog Prince
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Fife and Drum

Fifers and drummers were important in the military beginning in the 14th century. Fifers and drummers tended to be boys between the ages of 10 and 18. Fifes and drums served as signal instruments.

There have been times in history when the fife was replaced by similar instruments, but the high shrill sound of the fife carries in the field of battle making it an excellent choice to relay the commanders orders to the soldiers.

The snare drum belongs to the oldest instrumental family. The snare and bass drums were the drums used most often by the militias.

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

Have a Musical Day!!! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One, Two, and Three
The Frog Prince
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, October 18, 2010

Questions and Answers

1. What is important in music lessons?
The student and teacher should have a rapport with each other. It is very important that the teacher teaches note reading, fingering, counting, music theory, and ear training. All these are important basics. Unfortunately, not all teachers teach these things.

2. What make music sound scary?
Most scary music is in a minor key. The next step to making music sound scary is to make sudden changes in the dynamics of the music. Also unusual instruments can be used. Create unfamiliar sounds. This confuses our senses and makes us 'scared'.

Something Musical to do: Write lyrics that would fit the Thanksgiving theme. The lyrics should be sung to a tune everyone know such as, "Mary Had A Little Lamb" or "Row, Row, Row Your Boat". Submit your lyrics to:

During the month of November I'll post some of your lyrics on my blog.

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

Have A Musical Day! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One, Two, and Three
The Frog Prince
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, October 4, 2010

Preschoolers, Toddlers, and Babies

This week, walk the steady beat. Remember in most songs the steady beat is the quarter note.
You can also get out your pots and pans band out and play the steady beat with that.

Clap the steady beat.

Click here for a song I wrote for you so that you can clap, play, or walk along with.

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

Have a Musical Day! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two

The Frog Prince
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Bit About the History of:
Musical Instruments

Listen to a variety of different types of music from different eras of time and from different countries. Keep notes so that you can compare the music as you take this journey through music.

Even back in the prehistoric times people had music. It was very simple and had many uses. Early instruments were made from materials readily availabe in nature. Can you think of any instruments you could make that might have been used by prehistoric people?

In tombs in Persia, China, the pryamids or Egypt and other places, musical instruments were buried with the dead. Some of these instruments can still be played. We can actually hear the sounds that were made as long ago as 4,000 years.

Don't harps look a lot like bows? At first harps were made from bows by adding strings.

Pythagoras, a famous Greek scientist, related the pitch of a note to the length of the string.

Find other instrument families that started with early mankind. Write about them and send your writing to me. You might find your article on my blog or website. Wouldn't that be fun to see your name in print?

Have a musical day!
"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two

The Frog Prince - NEW
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, September 20, 2010

Questions and Answers

1. What is important in music lessons?
The student and teacher should have a rapport with each other. It is very important that the teacher teaches note reading, fingering, counting, music theory, and ear training. All these are important basics. Unfortunately not all teachers teach these things.

2. What makes music sound scary?
Most scary music is in a minor key. The next stop to making music sound scary is to make sudden changes in the dynamics of the music. Also unusual musical instruments can be used. Create unfamiliar sounds. This confuses our senses and makes us 'scared'.

Something musical to do:
Any age can enter. Write a scary Halloween Song. Email your song to me. We'll put it on the blog as an mp3 for the month of October. If you can't make an mp3, I'll make it for you.

Have a Musical Day!!! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on the journey we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books and CDs include:
Impressions One and Two
The Frog Prince

CDs include:
Wedding Bells


Monday, September 13, 2010

Discovery Page

Composers Births

September 1, 1653: Composer Johann Pachelbel was born.

September 26, 1898: George Gershwin is born.

September 13, 1819: Composer Clara Schumann was born. Listen to Clara Schumann's composition Opus 10, Scherzo. (Click here to listen)

Enjoy listening to Clara Schumann composition.

"Clara Schumann, wife of Robert, was a child prodigy who, after her husband's death, became one of the most famous performers and teachers in the 19th century. Her compositions are extremely well crafted and show great individuality as well as the influence of her husband Robert and friend Johannes Brahms". ~ Mary K. Scanlan, All Music Guide
Thank you Mary K. Scanlan for that information.

Topping the Charts

September 19, 1960: Today the song "The Twist" by Chubby Checker topped the charts and stayed there for a week. (1960)

Find the song "The Twist" and twist to it. Enjoy!!!

September 19, 1970: Today the song "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Diana Ross topped the charts and stayed there for 3 weeks. (1970)

Events from past Septembers

1908: The first stereo advertisement, for an Edison Phonograph, appears in the Saturday Evening Post.

Enjoy drawing a picture of the first phonograph!!!

1957: The musical "West Side Story", debuts on Broadway. This is the story of "Romeo and Juliet" but set in New York City with gang members.

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

Have a Musical Day! *smiles*

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two

CDs include:
Wedding Bells


Monday, September 6, 2010

Preschoolers, Toddlers, and Babies

Remember the quarter note? It's usually that steady beat that we hear in music and dance to. It looks like this:

It gets one count or beat. We are using the words count or beat interchangeably here. Remember to count steady. Don't change the speed of your counting once you start.

Click here to count with me, then we will clap as we count, then we will add a rhythm to clap and count with.

Practice counting and clapping during the week. You can come back here and clap and count with me or you can clap to music you have at home. Also practice drawing quarter notes on black white paper.

Enjoy and have a Musical Week! *smiles*

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two

CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, August 23, 2010

A Bit About Band

In middle school, high school, and sometimes elementary school a student gets the opportunity to sing in a chorus or learn a band instrument. Many schools work with local music stores to bring rental instruments to students wanting to learn about musical instruments.

Your parents should expect you to learn the basic elements of music. This includes the how to read, write, and interpret music. Listen to all types of music. This way you get an appreciation for the qualities of music. This will also make you better at your chosen musical instrument.

In June we talked about the woodwind family. Today we'll talk about the brass family.

Brass instruments are lip-vibrated instruments. Sound is produced by vibrations of air in a resonator and the vibration of the player's lips.

Brass instruments generally come in one of two groups: Valved and Slide. There are other groups in the brass instruments but they are not used much anymore.

Instruments in the Brass Family are Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, and Tuba. Can you think of any other brass instrument?

Which brass instrument is this?

Thank you KarensWhimsy for the use of thispicture.

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

Have a Musical Day! *smiles*


"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, August 16, 2010

Questions and Answers

1. What is music?
This sounds like a question that would be easily answered. But what really distingushes music from sound?

Here is what some people in the past have said:

"Music gives sound to the universe." - Plato
"The food of love." - Shakespeare
"I would almost say it is a miracle." - Heinrich Heine
"There are only two kinds of music: good music and bad music." - Duke Ellington

Please let me know what you think music is. Think about different sounds and decide if that sound is noise, music, or something else.

Example: The sound of a jack hammer cutting up a sidewalk. It is rhythm, it is a sound. Is it music?

Music is the art of thinking (creating and feeling) with sound. There is a saying that is popular but I don't remember who originally said it, "When words fail, music speaks."

If you have a questions you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

Have a musical day!
"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine
Visit me at:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

Music can be loud (f) or quiet (p). Have your young one tell you some things that are quiet and some things that are loud. Example: a baby sleeping would be something quiet. A drum being hit hard would be loud. Talk a little each day about loud and quiet. Remember this is not to be confused with high and low pitches in music.

Here is a drum that your young one can color:

My thanks to This is a wonderful drum to color.

If you have a question you would like answered about music please email me at:

Have a musical day! *smiles*
"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Elements of Music

In music there are 3 basic elements. They are melody, rhythm, and harmony.

The melody is that part of the song that people will usually sing. Some call it the tune or the song.

The melody needs the rhythm to be recognized. When you move to the music, you are moving to the beat, or rhythm of the song.

The harmony is all the musical notes that you are hearing around the melody. Sometimes this part is also sung.

All music regardless of the style is based on these three elements. Think about pop, rock, hip-hop, and heavy metal. What do they all have in common? They all have a melody, rhythm, and harmony. Listen to your favorite song. Hear where the three basic elements of music are found in that song.

Enjoy!!! *smiles*

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two

CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, July 12, 2010

Discovery Page:

A percussion instrument produces sound (music) when hit, shaken, rubbed, scraped, or by an action which causes vibration.

Answer the Questions:

1. The word percussion comes from which language?
2. True or False. Percussion instruments were the first musical instruments.
3. Can percussion instruments have pitch?
4. Is the piano a percussion instrument?

More Discovery:
Name several percussion instruments. After you have done this, then draw pictures or craft percussion instruments. Another activity would be to write a poem that can be said to a rhythm.
Send your poems with rhythm, and your drawings to me at
I'll put some of them on my blog.

1. Latin. Percussio is to beat or strike to produce music.
2. False. The voice was the first musical instrument. The first hand-made musical instruments were probably percussion instruments.
3. Yes.
4. Yes, watch the action inside a piano. A hammer strikes the strings to produce the musical sounds.

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at or

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, July 5, 2010

Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

"Music helps with self esteem and self discipline as well as school subjects."

Listen to music with your child everyday!!!

Young children who take music lessons show different brain development and improved memory over the course of a year, compared to children who do not receive musical training. Musically trained children performed better in a memory test that is correlated with general intelligence skills such as literacy, verbal memory, visiospatial processing, mathematics, and IQ. - Dr. Laurel Trarinor, Prof. of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behavior at McMaster University, 2006.

Playing a musical instrument significantly enhances the brain stem's sensitivity to speech sounds. This relates to encoding skills involved with music and language. Experience with music at a young age can "fine-tune" the brain's auditory system. - Nature Neuroscience, April 2007.

For musical activities to do with your young child go to my website, find the preschool page.

Don't forget about your pots and pans band. If your young one holds their ears and cries, it is probably hurting their ears. Many young children with a good ear for music do not like loud sounds.

If you have a question or questions you would like me to answer please email me at: or

Have a musical day!

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine

Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two
CDs include:
Wedding Bells

Monday, June 7, 2010

For Preschoolers, Toddlers, and Babies

Clapping to a Rhythm

Today I'd like you to clap evenly as we count the numbers 1 -2 -3 - 4 evenly. Ready? Clap and count 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1- 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4.

Now stomp evenly while we count evenly. Ready? Stomp and count 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4. Very Good!!! These are our quarter notes. Can you say 'quarter note'?
Here is a picture of a quarter note.

Practice drawing the quarter note. Does your heartbeat sound like a quarter note walking along? Do you hear quarter notes when you are listening to a march? Clap and stomp to the march below. Remember, this is a quarter note march.

Here's a march for you to clap and stomp to. Click here to play march.

Enjoy!!! *smiles*

Monday, May 31, 2010

This week I am interviewing Sylvia Thomasson.
Sylvia is a songwriter and musician.

Click here to listen to Sylvia's song: "God Knows It All"

Sylvia's Biography:

I am a true native of North Carolina. I was born in 1962 to my parents Betty and Shelton Bunn. I was raised on a farm right outside of Zebulon, NC. My family was a poor family. We did not have a lot of money when I was growing up. I may not have had everything I wanted, but I had what I needed. I have one sibling and his name is Douglas. In the Summer I worked in Tobacco. Farm work was not easy, because at the time I was growing up a lot of things were not automated like it is now. I sure did enjoy driving that ole Farmall tractor in the Summer time.

I sung in the school chorus all the way through school. I graduated from Zebulon High School in 1980. I also attended Johnston Community College. I have been singing ever since I was a child. I have sung in a couple of choirs. I can not remember a time that I did not enjoy music. I took up learning guitar two years ago, so I guess the saying, “A person is never too old to learn”, is true. I enjoy writing music and playing the guitar. I have sung at festivals, churches, nursing homes and other events.

My mom is probably my biggest influence about gospel music. She would take me and my brother to gospel singings with her. There use to be a big Eastern Carolina singing in Zebulon every year. We would not miss it. It was fantastic, because so many gospel groups came to sing each year. Another lady that I consider a mentor is Janie Strickland. She would play the piano for me at church when I sung. She has a natural talent of playing by ear and also has a wonderful singing voice. My husband, Larry is really a big supporter to me. He is always there to help me. I have to say, I can not ask for a better man to help me.

I enjoy helping people. I have had two dreams in my life and that is being a nurse and singing. Well, I am not a nurse, but I am a singer for God. The closest thing that I have done to becoming a nurse is being a nursing assistant. I work for the State of NC full time and when I am not working, I am singing. I also enjoy making jewelry and have recently taken on a new hobby of painting things. I enjoy painting things like t-shirts and can huggers. I also love pictures and photos. I like taking pictures of the sky. I also like reading quotes. I have a quote hanging in my office that says, “You don’t have to be crazy to be my friend, but it sure helps”. My favorite Bible verse is Isaiah 40:31 – But They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as Eagles. I read that verse and think no matter what I have been through or is going through, God is going to renew my strength.

I asked Sylvia some questions that I thought you would want to know the answers to. Here is our interview:

1. Did you write and play music as a child?
I did not write as a child. I did not start writing songs until I was an adult. I have been singing ever since I was a child.

2. What made you start writing music?
One day I just started putting my thoughts on paper. When tunes pop into my head I try to remember what I am singing so that I can put the words on paper. I also listen to guidance from God and HE gives me my songs. I have written personal songs for people and even one about my mom. When I am writing about someone personal, I really have to know them. I can not just put a bunch of words on paper. The words have to have meaning. The song I wrote about my mom is about her life.

3. Why do you write songs and play guitar and sing?
I write songs so that I have my own originals. I play the guitar, because all my life I wanted to learn a musical instrument to accompany myself when I sing gospel music. I learned how to play guitar a little over 2 years ago. I sing, because I enjoy it. Singing is a way of life to me. I sing in the mornings, on the drive to work and off and on during the day. I love singing most of all for God. I feel it is a calling from God for me to sing gospel music. I feel the music and I feel God when I sing. I probably am at my happiest when I am singing. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like all types of music, but I feel that God gave me the special talent of singing to use for HIM.

4. Please walk me through your song process. Everyone has a different way of doing it.
It is funny that you ask me about how I do this process, because it seems songs come to me at the oddest times. I can be in a restaurant drive-thru or driving down the road and words just start popping into my head and I start singing them. I try to grab something to write on, it can be a napkin, receipt or if I am lucky, I will have a piece of paper nearby to write on. I also have a small tape recorder and sometimes I use that to record the words, so I don’t forget what I sung. Sometimes a whole song has come to me and other times, I receive a song in bits and pieces. The gospel songs that I have written definitely come from God.

5. What is your favorite song that you have written and why is it your favorite?
I think that “God Knows it All” is probably my favorite. I think it is my favorite, because the words are so true. We really do not know a woman at a drive-thru, a man on the street, the neighbor or coworker. Only God knows us through and through and that is what the words mean in this song.

6. Tell us about your most memorable stage moment.
The most memorable stage moment happened at a church near my home. I was telling the church about how much I appreciated them having me there when all of a sudden the piece on the podium that holds books fell. The sound echoed all over the church and scared me to death. After the piece fell, I looked out into the audience and said, well, I guess this will be the last time you will have me, because I just tore up your church furniture. The whole church broke out in laughter. I really did not break it, because they fixed it immediately. Even the preacher came up to me at break and joked with me about it. It is definitely something that I will not forget anytime soon.

7. Do you have advice for others who want to write music or perform?
I think the best advice for anyone is if you enjoy music or writing, go for it. You will never regret tapping into a talent that involves music. It is very fulfilling in so many ways. Music makes me very happy and when I am feeling down it uplifts me. I can not imagine my life without music. It can not hurt to venture out on a talent in music.

8. What are you working on right now?
I have not written anything new lately. I would like to write a song about my life. The most recent thing I have worked on is with my nephew, Dylan, we put the chords to a song I wrote titled “God in Your Heart”. It was very exciting to have someone else work with me on making my song come to life.

9. What do you do for fun?
I love spending time with my family. I like playing with my animals. I enjoy going to the beach. I love this time of the year, because of the warm weather. I enjoy sitting outside on the swing. I enjoy cookouts with family and friends. I like making jewelry and taking pictures. I enjoy taking pictures of the sky. I like making people laugh.

10. What is the most important thing to you?
The number one thing is my relationship with God. The next things are my family, friends and my animals.

Thank you Sylvia, I enjoyed interviewing you. Keep on writing and singing.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May's Questions and Answers

1. Can learning a musical instrument improve grades at school?
Studies have linked active music making with better language and math ability, improved school grades, better-adjusted social behavior, and improvements in "spatial-temporal reasoning". -American Music Conference, 2001.

A Standford University Admissions Officer said: "The offerings in music history, music theory, and arts history seem to me a rich and enviable component for a secondary school."

2. Does taking piano lessons help with SAT scores?
There is a direct correlation between improved SAT scores and the length of time spent studying the arts. College-bound seniors who'd had music experience scored 52 points higher on the verbal portion of their SATs and 37 points higher in math (89 points combined) than those without arts instruction. - Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers, The College Board, 1998.

If you have a question you would like me to answer about learning music please email me at or

"Music lessons should be about the student. Each student learns in different ways, and at different speeds. Music is a journey, and on that journey, we will work and learn together." - Catherine
Books with CDs include:
Impressions Volume One and Two
CDs include:
Wedding Bells